Yoga Therapy Package

August 16th, 2020


This 5-session package is perfect for times of change. See below for details.



My five session personalized yoga therapy package is perfect during times of change. Lately everything is changing. The way we work, the way we relate to others & even how we protect our body from the corona virus has had a great impact on how we move in our body. During this yoga therapy session you will be guided to tap into your inherent wisdom and listen to what movements you body really needs to help make this a great time for personal growth and expansion.

These five sessions can be done virtually and will include a full energy reading to help personally design a movement sequence to best help you feel strong and more aligned right where you are at this time.  The world will keep changing but what is most important is that you feel strong while you change along with it.

Just register here and you will receive a call from me to set up your sessions.



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