A Glistening Fat Fairy, by Bonnie Tarantino

December 18th, 2023

I always wake early. I have stopped wishing otherwise. There is a magic to the early morning. The vata is high, vata in the ayurvedic/yoga tradition holds the elemental energy of sprit, breath, creativity and collective consciousness.  I know the winter mornings are hard but I love coming out to the dark living room and […]

On Day Three Of NyQuill

December 8th, 2023

On Day Three Of NyQuill By Bonnie Tarantino On day three of NyQuil I have apocalyptic thoughts. I wake up worried I may never hold a grandchild. That cancer may find a way into myself or a loved one. Or that maybe I won’t bother putting up a Christmas tree. I write and write it […]

Track Suit Saturday

December 3rd, 2023

Track Suit Saturday When I was a young teenager, two things happened that brought me a lot of freedom and fun. One was a snow club bus that picked us up in the dark early mornings on wintery Saturday’s and took us to upstate NY or even into Vermont to ski for the day. The […]